Zynh's Shenanigans

🧙‍♀️ Hail Traveler!

Here lies a repository of the shenanigans and machinations of me! Zynh!

Feel free to make yourself at home. Everything you need to should be found at the top of the page, and if you need anything from me, my contact info is all over the place here. (as well as always at the bottom of the page)

You will likely come across some of the animated visualizations I've layed about, maybe even on this page! These are all being rendered live on your browser using something called p5.js. If you are interested in creative coding, but are scared about how to get started, I highly recommend taking a look at The Coding Train on youtube, they give a good entrypoint into the world of creative coding using JavaScript.

For those who care about the tech behind this site, it is built with Astro!. It's currently an offshoot of the default blog template, and I am actively adding features such as the p5 integration and read time calculations!

Coming soon to a page near you:

Have fun! If you get stuck or want me to add something, toss me an email.