Zynh's Shenanigans

About Me

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I am software engineer who loves a good bug hunt, a daunting puzzle, and clever solutions to problems. I enjoy getting to work with others and experience how they see the world, as well as how they tackle problems. Feel free to share some cool snippets or fun projects with me!


I am largely experienced in React and Node, however I have dabbled in django backends and even a bit of Rust. I do wish to further explore lower level applications to further my toolbelt. I know a little bit of C++ and have begun learning Rust, but I haven’t had the chance to work on any larger projects built with these :P

While very comfortable in Linux, Windows, and Mac dev environments, I generally prefer working in a Unix environments like Linux or Mac.



Alright, time for the fun stuff

Maybe one of these days I’ll finally cave and start making games, and if anyone is interesting in paying for a new Game dev, or a strong fullstack web dev my email is all over this page <3

I do also play some video games! Everything from Factorio, to League of Legends, to WoW and FF14. If you play any of those, are developing for any of these, feel free to toss me and email!

I also love ttrpgs!! And if people bug me enough I’m working on a variant of Dicecloud designed for pf2e, also I do love talking fun dnd builds and world building! Along this same vein I also like reading fantasy (Start reading with Sanderson or Andrew Rowe if you need a recommendation). And if you have any recommendations for me, you know where to go!

I apparently like emails…

My Toolbox

Markdown JavaScript HTML5 CSS3 React React Router NodeJS Express.js Python Django MongoDB Postgres MySQL Nginx Docker AWS C++ Java TypeScript Linux macOS Windows Sequelize Arduino ESLint Git GitHub GitLab