Zynh's Shenanigans

Building p5.js into this site

· Zynh Ludwig


If you don’t already know about p5.js then go ahead and click this link. If you still don’t know and still haven’t clicked the link, it is effectively a abstraction layer over the native Canvas API

Anyway this tool is super super useful for creating visualizations and graphical effects, all while working in simple primitives. It also includes a simple vector library, so it has everything you need in a convenient package.

I am 100% open to alternatives for this purpose, but p5 is what I know and it does the job!

How it happened

Anyway, the important part is how I managed this!! I had previously used the p5.min library and distributed it myself. However instead of that I am using npm modules. p5 and @types/p5. The latter is what allows me to use typescript, or more precisely use typescript’s very nice autocomplete.

It ended up being quite the ordeal to actually get the scripts to be convenient to import into markdown files. What I ended up doing is reworking my read time calculations with a plugin so it supports mdx files. After this I end up just using a plain astro file that contains a div for the canvas to be inserted in, and styling for the div.


MDX Documentation - This is the markdown extension I use
p5.js - The Graphics library that I’ve implemented
npm p5 - The p5 npm package I installed
npm @types/p5 - The types package for p5
sketches/test.astro - This is the astro file used to render the p5 sketch above