Zynh's Shenanigans

Polar to Cartesian Conversions

· Zynh Ludwig
Last updated on

The Problem

Often times when working in a 2D display framework you want to display things in a circular pattern. However you find yourself unable to because you don’t know what magical combination of x and y will find you along the circles edge, curses to the cartesian lords.

A Solution

Hail be the wonderful forces of pre-calculus teachers the world over. Polar coordinates are what we want! They allow us to define an angle and a radius to identify a point in 2D space, rather than x and y.

But how do we use this wonderful coordinate system on a webpage?\ Wellllll, that’s the catch. You can’t directly. However all of the tools necessary to convert from Polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates are available in native javascript.

The only tools needed for the conversion are Math.cos(), Math.sin() and a circle constant, which is a whole discussion I’d be willing to have, but we don’t have Math.TAU yet, so at the top of our file we will use Math.TAU = 2*Math.PI as it makes our equations cleaner. Tau manifesto

For any polar coordinate where r = radius and theta = angle then we can convert to cartesian as simply as;

let x = r * Math.cos(theta);
let y = r * Math.sin(theta);


Lets say we want to get the center positions of 20 circles arranged in a circle about 0, 0. As seen in the p5 sketch seen below. Link to sketches code

All we need to do is divide the number of radians in a circle by 20, to get the angle at each increment evenly spaced apart. Then loop through those increments and draw circles.

Math.TAU = 2 * Math.PI; // Math.TAU makes our code a hair cleaner,
// and I am astonished its not a language feature yet

let n = 20; // Number of circles
let r = 100; // 100px radius
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  let theta = (Math.TAU / n) * i;
  let x = r * Math.cos(theta);
  let y = r * Math.sin(theta);

  drawCircle(x, y); // Assuming this is your method
  // for drawing a circle at position x, y


Polar coordinates are a powerful tool for converting from Polar coordinates radius and angle to cartesian coordinates x and y

Not a perfect visualization, but the angle of the black line in radians is Θ and the radius is 1

A graphic showing the sin and cos of theta on a vectorg

Image shamelessly ripped from

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