Zynh's Shenanigans

Setting up this blog! [Outdated]

· Zynh Ludwig
Last updated on

Astro redesign

This page was initially made with github pages’ jekyll integration.

Overall however I wasn’t super happy with this, hopefully I’ll have an updated version for this site later!

The Sauce

Setting up this site was done following the guidance of David on this page of his blog.

This site is based around Jekyll, which is a really neat static site generator based on ruby, that allows for markdown parsing, and is generally designed for blogs.

This site’s theme is based on the minima theme, although based on is a bit of a stretch, as at the time of writing this it is entirely unedited.

Stuff I need to know to maintain this site

Im hosting this on github pages, although this page can be generated on a local machine by running bundle exec jekyll serve --drafts assuming you have ruby installed. The --drafts option means anything inside the _drafts folder will also be included in posts.

New posts go in the _posts folder with the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.md

console.log("Just an example of how to use code block highlighting");

Final Notes

If all goes well this site will be hosted on zynh.me

Next blog post will be about optimizing the workflow of adding posts, so that I’m not having to manually name, and format these markdown documents, as well as automatically interacting with the git repo.


Jekyll main site
Jekyll docs
Base Jekyll theme I am using
David’s post about using jekyll and GH pages to host a blog